Sunday, June 19, 2011

Field Day

Field Day was a success! Three grades, over 300 students, and 1 gym teacher. It was so nice to finally get done with Field Day after stressing about the turn out all week. It was a lot of pressure considering I was the new P.E. teacher and this was my first time running a Field Day event. Not to mention the last P.E. teacher did an excellent job with Field Day according to the other teachers. I got a lot of good feedback from my staff and the students had a blast. It was a great experience for me and I got a sweet farmers tan from being out in the sun the entire day with a t-shirt.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Today's wrap up

This week has been a pretty hectic thus far. With school coming to a close, you would think my job would get a little bit easier. WRONG! I am the only P.E. teacher in my 600 + student elementary school. Tomorrow is Field Day! Setting up has really been stressful, being the only P.E. teacher in the school. Our other P.E. teacher left mid-year so it has been pretty interesting being in my first year of teaching. I'll have updates tomorrow!

- Manny A.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my blog!

Hello there and thank you for checking out my blog. Finally, an assignment I am actually familiar with! I have been using blogspot for almost a year now and love it. It is easy to use and with a few neat tricks, you can really make your blog look like a legit website. Aside from this blog, I maintain a personal blog regarding my interests. If you want to check that out the address is
If you have any questions on how to navigate through this just send me a message and I would be glad to help!

- Manny A.