Sunday, June 19, 2011

Field Day

Field Day was a success! Three grades, over 300 students, and 1 gym teacher. It was so nice to finally get done with Field Day after stressing about the turn out all week. It was a lot of pressure considering I was the new P.E. teacher and this was my first time running a Field Day event. Not to mention the last P.E. teacher did an excellent job with Field Day according to the other teachers. I got a lot of good feedback from my staff and the students had a blast. It was a great experience for me and I got a sweet farmers tan from being out in the sun the entire day with a t-shirt.


Merchon said...

That sounds awesome! Our field day is tomorrow, but the teacher's run it. Much easier than yours sounds. How did it end up that they didn't hire another teacher? I am for higher starting in the fall! Haha but that is awesome and what a great accomplishment for you. Color me impressed

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